Druid Installation

  • Download the latest version of Druid 3.8 by using the below link

    http://webscripts.softpedia.com/script/Database-Tools/Druid-24778.html and save the file.

  • The druid file will be in the .jar format , copy it to the desktop and extract it.

  • Go to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal to open the Terminal window.

  • To install the .jar file, the following command need to be typed in this window,

    fp016@pbs016:~$ cd ..
    fp016@pbs016:/home$ cd fp016
    fp016@pbs016:~$ pwd
    fp016@pbs016:~$ cd Desktop
    fp016@pbs016:~/Desktop$ java -jar druid-3.8-install.jar

  • Specify the path for the file, so that it will get installed.

Druid Configuration

  • Copy the oracle_jar file to the Desktop.

  • Open the Druid application, click on the “config” menu and select JDBC drivers on the top.

  • JDBC drivers window opens, click the “New” button and select the oracle_jar file and click ok button.

  • The driver connection will be established, now can import database inside Druid.